We know how to make
the best Hot Chocolate, Coffee Flavoured Drink in the city.

33 years of experience in production

Only fresh Italian
ingredients & processes

Traditional recipes for semi-finished powdered products
Serving Beverage Mixes products since 1987
Italian quality and reliability !!
Reliability, innovation, a dynamic approach and quality. These are the key ingredients of Stradiotto, a company that develops and manufactures mixes, preparations and semi-finished powdered products.

We Develop Branded Products Destined Mainly For Food And Beverage, Vending And Major Retail Channels
We also produce mixes for the food industry to be used as an ingredient by third parties. This enables us to meet the needs of the modern market, which is geared towards diversifying the range it offers whilst reducing storage costs.
More great drinks await you
inside the Stradiotto
Taste the Flavour of Hot Drinks You Like !!

Our every drink has
its own unique story we want
to share with you

Stradiotto's tradition
on your drink
From the world-renowned Veneto, Italy based hot drinking powder comes unlike any other you’ve ever tasted before. There are four flavors to choose from: Drinks with coffee, Drinks with cereals and barley, Drinks with chocolate, Soluble cocoa, and Special coffees, a blend called Premium Indulgence. Each one is better than the next, but they all have one shared characteristic that’ll keep you coming back for more. Offering a smooth and chocolatey experience designed to be made with milk, flavored powders which has a warming, comforting and uplifting effect any time of the day.
The mix includes fresh ingredients and nutritions to create a truly rich and complex beverage that’s smooth enough to drink. It’s a drink for true chocolate, coffee lovers, as each cup is super rich and thick, plus has a bittersweet edge that purists can’t get enough of. our product tests run on each stage of the production process ensure the end product is of outstanding quality.

Tradition passed through generations
Flavio Stradiotto has worked in the field of soluble mixes since 1987. From a young age, he worked in major multinational companies where he accumulated considerable experience in sales. Together with his son Alessandro, he put this experience to good use when he set up a business offering research, development and production services for third-party companies. To this day it is still the main pillar of the company’s business, although it has also established a brand of its own.
Trust, Quality, Innovation and Flexibility is our philosophy. Thanks to our new production facility we can offer perfectly tailored products regarding taste and packaging solutions.
Reliability, innovation, a dynamic approach and quality. These are the key ingredients of Stradiotto, a company that develops and manufactures mixes, preparations and semi-finished powdered products. Our young, professional approach makes us a highly reliable partner that can handle all your fine Italian food requirements
We also produce mixes for the food industry to be used as an ingredient by third parties. This enables us to meet the needs of the modern market, which is geared towards diversifying the range it offers whilst reducing storage costs.