The Micro Ingredients
From The Warehouse, The Raw Materials Are Taken To The Production Department, The Very Heart Of The Company.
The micro ingredients such as colourings and additives are mixed using the necessary machinery to ensure the mix obtained is perfectly homogenous. The result is a core product which is used as an ingredient in subsequent production processes.
The Macro Ingredients
The core product resulting from the initial production process is then combined with other ingredients.
This phase results in a mix which users combine with fresh ingredients to give body to drinks, creams or homogenized mixtures. The tests run on each stage of the production process ensure the end product is of outstanding quality.

The Mixture obtained is packaged in jars, sachets and sticks according to the customer’s needs.
On request, we can also handle the graphic design and labelling. This enables us to deliver the customer a product whose contents and appearance are tailor-made: we take all the worry out of the client’s work.